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hegaletanhegaletan gisa laburtua da, termino orokorra besterik ez baita. Normalean esan nahi du, beste gauza batzuk konektatzeko disko moduko gorputz metaliko baten periferiaren inguruan egiten direla. Gauza hau oso erabilia da modu mekanikoan, beraz, itxura bitxia da, beti ere deitzen zaion bitarteanhegaletan, bere izena ingelesetik dator.

hegaletan product introduction

hegaletan is also called hegaletan or hegaletan. The parts connecting the pipe and the pipe are connected to the pipe end. There are holes in the hegaletan, and the bolts tightly connect the two hegaletans. The hegaletans are sealed with gaskets. hegaletan is a disc-shaped part, the most common in pipeline engineering, hegaletans are used in pairs. In pipeline engineering, hegaletans are mainly used for connection of pipelines. At the end of the two pipes that need to be connected, install a hegaletan each. Low-pressure pipes can use wire hegaletans, and welding hegaletans for pressures above 4 kg. Add a gasket between the two hegaletans, and then tighten with bolts.

Presio desberdina hegaletanlodiera desberdinak dituzte eta hainbat torloju erabiltzen dituzte.

Ur ponpa eta balbula hoditeriarekin konektatuta daudenean, ekipamendu horien zati batzuk dagozkienak ere bihurtzen dirahegaletan shapes, also called hegaletan connection.

Any connecting parts that are bolted on both sides and closed at the same time are generally called "hegaletans". For example, the connection of ventilation pipes, this type of parts can be called "hegaletan parts".

Gaikahegaletan is a kind of hegaletan. The connection structure of the threaded hegaletan is a combination, which is composed of a pair of hegaletans, a number of bolts, nuts and a gasket.

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