AG bideratutako brida fabrikazioa 260 langilerekin, 30000 m2-ko tailerra, 1500 tona hileko irteera, 28 urteko ekoizpen esperientzia, entrega epea bermatuta, ISO, TUV / PED, DNV, BV, VD-TUV ziurtagiria. Hauek dira kalitate ona eta lehiakortasuna mantentzea prezio globalak dituzten bezeroentzako prezioak. DIN2632 PN10 soldadura lepoko brida hornitzen dugu. Profesionaltasunaren indarra sinetsi.
DIN2632 PN10 soldadurako lepoaren brida
1.ProductIntroduction of DIN2632 PN10 soldadurako lepoaren brida.
AG manufacture DIN2632 PN10 soldadurako lepoaren brida.All procedure of produce included heating-treatment and proof machining are completed in own forged shop、tratamendu termikoa egiteko denda eta mekanizazio denda. Urteko edukiera10.000 tona.
2.ProductSpecification of DIN2632 PN10 soldadurako lepoaren brida.
ProductName |
DIN2632 PN10 soldadurako lepoaren brida |
Marka Izena |
Jatorrizko lekua |
Zhangqiu, Jinan, Shandong,Txina |
Estandarra |
DIN, AS, ANSI, ASME, EN1092-1, JIS, BS, UNI, GOST etab |
Type |
PL, BL, SO, WN, Lap itzulgunea, Hariztatua, Obalatua, Karratua, CNC erlaitzak |
Material |
karbono altzairuaS235JR, P245GH, P250GH, P265GH, C22.8, A105 etab. |
Presioa |
ANSI: 150.300.600.900.1500 libra klasea. EN & DIN & BS & GOST: PN10, PN16, PN25, PN40, PN63, PN100. JIS: 5K, 10K, 16K. |
Neurria |
DN15-DN2000 |
Gainazalen tratamendua |
Herdoilaren aurkako olioa, pintura beltza, pintura horia, galbanizatutako beroa, hotz / elektriko galbanizatua |
Package |
Geruzaegurrapallet,Geruzaegurrakasuaedo bezeroaren arabera’eskakizunak |
3.Dimension chart of DIN2632 PN10 soldadurako lepoaren brida.
4.ProductQualification of DIN2632 PN10 soldadurako lepoaren brida.
How to guarantee the traceability of the productis done from the raw material order to the delivery?
Through the complete production process and strict quality control, key data is collected during the production process of the product, and finally a unique productserial number can be used to trace all the key information of each productproduction process:Material batch, supplier, operator, working place (workshop, production line,work station, etc.), processing technology (temperature, resistance, voltage, torque, etc.), processing equipment information, working time and other information.
5.Packing of DIN2632 PN10 soldadurako lepoaren brida.
We can supply DIN2632 PN10 soldadurako lepoaren brida packed with plyegurrapallets ,plyegurrakasuas or as per customer’eskakizunak.Special packaging is also available, such as fumigation wooden pallet and wooden kasuas.